Alright, I know when to quit. And that day is: FRIDAY!
My dad is flying in on Saturday in order to be there for Jeet's big day, and I'm not going to very well go to work (administering TCAP and presiding over a room full of hopped-up seventh-graders who have just finished a 90 minute session of total silence) while he stays home. It's going to be serious dad / daughter time before it's grandpa / grandson time. I may not be able to take a long run with him...but we can at least cruise the riverwalk and check out some sights. And maybe bring lunch to Ben, who will be working. (Sorry, darling.)
I am excited to finish up at work. The kids are all begging me to stay (they don't see the irony of simultaneously driving me crazy and asking me to stay at the same time) and many seem very excited to meet the little baby that they've watched grow for the last few months. (They call him my "watermellon".)
I, however, am going to be glad for the break. I'm not going to lie - I feel a little guilty leaving my fellow teachers behind at this critical time in the year. (State testing begins next week.) But I have done a good job of teaching my little urchins, and we had a nice review week, so they should be good to go. I'll come back in May for my wind-up Personal Portfolio project, which I love to bits.
But now, it's time. I quit.
Hooray! Congrats on you "last" day! This means the babe is so close to making his big arrival. I can't wait! I also want to hear about this amazing Personal Portfolio (did the idea come from Eagle Rock???).