Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who wrote the book on babies?

As it turns out, a lot of people wrote "the" book on babies.

My baby is a fussy little guy, as I've come to know. No, he's not sleeping more than 3 hours at a time at night. No, he doesn't like to be left alone to put himself to sleep. No, he doesn't nap for more than about 20 minutes at a time...on my shoulder. He seems to be what they call a "high-needs" baby. But he's mine and, of course, I love him.

When it comes to getting help with these things, though, there are a million different opinions. I love Grace's blog over at Camp Patton, and she had a guest who wrote a testimonial for the book "The Baby Whisperer". You can read it on the Fountains of Home blog. She says that it saved her life.

So I checked it out at the library. I also checked out "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding", which is put out by the La Leche League. (I think that they are of the "Attachment Parenting" breed that is getting so much attention these days.) In any case, they are at odds with one another. To put baby on a schedule or not to put baby on a schedule? Teach them to nap or let them nap when they want? Sigh. There is so much to learn...and so many people to learn it from.

Fussy or not, he's as cute as can be.

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